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One-time payment of $997

You're here to take the next step and start to feel Free From Anxiety™️!

What you'll get:

  • Weekly live group coaching sessions so that you can get the exact support you need ($1,600 value)
  • Weekly video lessons so that you can learn exactly how to take back control of your anxiety ($800 value)
  • Weekly workbooks so that you can work through everything that’s holding you back ($400 value)
  • Access to a supportive private community so that you can remember you aren’t alone ($1,000 value)
  • BONUS:  The Anxiety 101 Guide so that you can learn the ins and outs of anxiety without doing days or years of research ($49 value)
  • BONUS:  Panic Attack Toolkit for help when you feel helpless ($49 value)
  • BONUS:  Breath Breaks Library so that you can release anxious energy ($100 value)
  • BONUS:  Anxiety Tools Guidebook (over 25 pages!) so that you know exactly which tool to use when you need it most ($75 value)
  • BONUS:  Continued access to an exclusive Free From Anxiety™️ Community so that you don't lose your support system (priceless!)
  • BONUS:  Anxiety Hacks Cheat Sheet so that you can move through an anxious moment with ease ($14 value)
  • BONUS:  Thought Traps Guide so that you can catch your negative thought patterns that fuel your anxiety ($49 value)
    There are even more bonuses included in Free From Anxiety™️, including:
    • 75+ Mantras for Anxiety Relief ($25 value)
    • 100 Journaling Prompts for Anxiety Relief ($49 value)
    • All past recordings of live group coaching sessions ($1,500 value and growing!)

That's a TOTAL VALUE of over $6,300!

PLUS the priceless lifetime value of a community of women who are always there for you!

What are you waiting for?!


Join us and change your life starting TODAY!

You'll be fully supported the whole way!

See you inside of Free From Anxiety™️!


What People Are Saying:

Prior to working with Erin, I was on autopilot most of the time. Simply trying to survive moment to moment. Always felt on edge, never able to truly relax. Knowing that there was something wrong but not able to figure out or pinpoint exactly what it was. I had been struggling with severe depression and anxiety for years. From 2017 to 2020, I went through so much conventional therapy, inpatient and outpatient treatment programs. Tried 11 different anxiety and depression medications. Those things helped some, but still I felt the low lows and the constant internal battle in my mind. Those things seemed to be a bandaid on a bullet wound. Then, in October of 2020, after watching Erin share her story and talk about the work she has done with other clients and within herself I decided to begin my work with her. At that time, my anxiety was crippling me to the point of another dark depressive episode. Every single day was a battle. The smallest thing would send me spiraling. I felt like I wanted to crawl out of my skin, couldn’t sit still, I was physically ill with a racing heart, headaches and stomach issues, I felt tired all the time, it was hard to breathe from the feeling of a 50 pound weight on my chest, I had zero interest in living life, and I was simply checked out. I numbed the noise in my head and body with food, mindlessly scrolling social media, and zoning out in front of some Netflix show. I was so tired of living my life that way. I felt horrible physically, mentally, and emotionally. I’d tried so many other things to help, so I figured what do I have to lose? Man, am I glad I took that leap of faith. After only a couple Breathwork sessions with Erin, I was having major emotional releases and breakthroughs. When I say it was life changing, I am not kidding. Once I realized the major shifts happening while working with Erin, I was eager for more. Through her work I’ve been able to start healing the deep wounds within myself that are at the root of my anxiety and depression. Releasing the stored unprocessed emotions I didn’t even know were there. Learning about myself and learning to love myself. Now, I have so much more awareness! I can honestly say I love myself. This work is deep. This work is raw. This work is healing things and allowing me to become a better version of myself. Erin has taught me so many eye opening things that I’m incorporating into my life. She’s filled me with tools that I can count on when life challenges me. With her guidance and support, I’m learning to let go of my old unhealthy ways of coping and instead facing my daily struggles head on. It’s scary and exhilarating all at once. The work she is helping me do is something I didn’t even know I needed! In just the last few months of working with Erin, I now feel like I’m becoming the person I always knew was in there. I know that this work is changing me because I’ve had some major personal breakthroughs during the past few months. I’ve also faced some major personal struggles that prior to her coaching would have most definitely caused me to spiral back into severe anxiety and deep depression. But instead, I’m facing it head on and I’m proud of that! This work is hard, but the rewards have been worth it. I cannot wait to see what’s in store as I continue on this journey of healing with Erin as my coach.